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Save Money on a Cruise by Bringing a Satellite Phone Who doesn't want to go on a cruise? Visit exotic destinations, relax in a luxurious cabin, with access to great food and entertainment? It's no wonder cruises are so popular. Millions of people find them to be the perfect means...
Third Launch of Iridium NEXT Satellites SuccessfulOn October 9, 2017, 10 more of the new Iridium NEXT satellites were launched from Vandenburg Air Force Base on board a Space X Falcon rocket. About an hour after launch, each satellite was deployed one-at-a-time from a specially designed carrier module on the...
Tips for Awesome Autumn Camping Let's face it: summer is just too hot for some people. Even if you love the outdoors, you can be driven inside by heat, humidity, bugs, and all the other less-pleasant parts of outdoor summer living. If this sounds like you, you probably can't wait...