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National Regulations for Russian BGAN coverage in theInmarsat MEAS region
There are special nationalregulationsfor users conductingsatellite communications within Russian national borders or Russian territorial waters. For most users the new SAS will not require terminal reconfiguration. Instead, BGAN terminalswill automatically update to includedetails of the new MEAS region.
Hughes-9202 BGAN
The Hughes-9202 is one of the most popular BGAN terminal models. It can beconfigured for automatic context activation so that a new Standard IP data session is initiatedonce the BGAN terminal is registered on the Inmarsat network. Customers can use the Hughes-9202 in concert withan external firewallto control unnecessary and expensive data traffic.
For this reason, Outfitter Satellite recommends the Optimizer Wi-Fi hotspot. All traffic from your computer, smartphone, or tablet that does not originate from XGate softwareis blocked by the Optimizer.XGate is included free with an active BGAN service subscription from Outfitter Satellite, and it provides excellent data compression for email and web browsing. Please call us for more information on the Hughes-9202 and our other BGAN terminal models.
*The information in this article is accurate as of August 2016 but is subject to change without notice. SAS meansSatellite Access Station.