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Anyone that has usedvideo conferencing services over Inmarsat realizes it's expensive. This article does not cover Inmarsat video streaming solutions specifically developed for broadcast qualitymedia. Instead, the article focuseson practical videoconferencing.Budget sensitive Inmarsat video solutions thatkeep usage costs under tight control are available.History of Inmarsat VideoDuring the early years of...
The need for communications with global coverage is increasingly apparent. Iridium uses a fleet of Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites to provide total global coverage. Whether you are on a remote island in the South Pacific or in a deep mountain valley in Nepal, Iridium phones can make calls, send...
Satellite hotspots enable the iPhone, iPad and Android to connect from the remotest places on earth. This article covers the newest satellite hotspots for Iridium, Inmarsat, Thuraya and Globalstar. Some of these satellite hotspots provide broadband internet while others only allow texting and light email or photo-sharing. But, which is...