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As of July 12, 2016, Inmarsat created anewMEAS region covering the Middle East and Asia. The new coverage region is outlined in red below. Furthermore, Russian BGAN users operating on the MEAS satellite will use the SAS in Moscow that was built by Morviazsputnik. The new SAS will route all...
In 2015, Iridium launched a Push-to-Talkservice. Iridium PTT immediately received the "Top Emergency Response Innovation" award at SATELLITE 2016. Formore on that see theMobile Satellite Users Association 2016 Mobility Satellite Innovation Awards. Iridium PTTusesmobile handheldsatellite phones instead of the bulky terminals currentlyused by Light Squared (MSAT) orInmarsat BGANpush-to-talk services. We...
UPDATED: December, 2021Do you have an unlimited cellular data plan? Many cellular users have unlimited or practically unlimited data plans. This explains why wasteful use of data on smartphones and tablets may not be much of a concern. Most Inmarsat BGAN users pay by the megabyte of internet access. For...