Outfitter Satellite Blog

Our blog will help you understand our satellite communication devices and their potentially life-saving key features.

Now that the New Year is upon us, so are new challenges, opportunities, and adventures. You might be planning for an upcoming challenge like rowing the Atlantic, preparing for a critical work operation in a remote location, or simply looking to upgrade your current satellite phone to one of the...

By Guy Arnold Read more
See how easy it is to insert an Iridium SIM card into an Iridium satellite phone.

Need to change the SIM card on an Iridium satellite phone? Watch the video now.

By Guy Arnold Read more

Many people have heard of satellite phones, but really have no idea when you would need one or why. This is because many people are mistakenly under the impression that cell phones work everywhere, which, as anyone who has travelled knows, is just not true. In fact, there are vast...

By Guy Arnold Read more
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